
数据分析策略 & 数据虚拟化

  • A high-level plan that outlines how an organization will use data to achieve its business objectives. It helps organizations make better use of their data assets by providing a clear plan. ​
  • 通过将数据与整体业务战略和目标保持一致, a data strategy ensures that data is used to support decision-making and drive business value.

云数据仓库 & BI​

  • 将数据转化为可操作的见解,推动业务增长. ​
  • 构建现代云数据平台. ​
  • 设计和 实现自定义仪表板 提供关键数据和指标的可操作视图. 这些仪表板是集成的,并且是特定于领域的.


  • 数据结构是克服复杂性的前沿数据技术, 因此,数据团队将时间花在数据的业务绩效上, 将数据集成为单个实体, 不管它存储在哪里或者如何使用.
  • The main purpose of a data fabric is to simplify and streamline the process of accessing, 集成, 并且在不将数据从源位置移动的情况下使用数据.


  • Harness the power of AI and other emerging technologies to drive competitive differentiation and automation. ​
  • ​Help clients develop their AI enterprise strategy and bring to life their Intelligent Agents​


  • 设计和 activate IoT strategies for our clients that bring to life the value of data, AI, 物理硬件

数据治理MDM & 数据管理

  • 将数据定义为战略资产,并开发一个框架来优化其价值.​
  • 定义清晰的数据所有权, 建立数据质量标准, 识别需要主数据管理的关键数据.​
  • 利用组织的资源, 流程, 以及将数据转化为推动价值的有价值的商业资产的技术


  • 自动化日常任务以提高效率和生产力.​
  • 机器人和机器学习软件, 自动化编排不同的应用程序和手动过程.​
  • Leverage Azure Bot Service to design and build automations that cover a wide range of tasks like customer service, 数据输入, 以及跨应用工作.

合作伙伴包括: 微软Azure和Promethium


每当我遇到Power BI的问题, LBMC’s experts respond with a quick answer they have figured out themselves or involved Microsoft and done a screen share to figure out our problem within a couple of days. They have vast knowledge in different visualization techniques and offer different ways to look at data that I maybe wouldn’t have even thought of before. 例如, I submitted a question to them asking which visualization would highlight areas where we might be losing margin. 现在, 而不是翻阅所有相关的发票, 所有这些数据都可以在Power BI中轻松访问. 我们可以展示一段时间后的表现, 分析数据, 并找出提高利润率的方法.
The historical Power BI methodology hinges too much on the IT department to understand the calculations, 模型, 以及需要上报数据的各个部门的需求. Power BI and supporting components of the new data delivery model allow for more self-service 商业智能. While this new method of separating data architecture from self-service analysis is possible, 它需要对最新的DAX分析语言有相当的理解. The LBMC 数据分析 team has been an indispensable mentor for our Analysts in transitioning to this new language as well as in helping our Data 架构师 build a newer Tabular ‘Big Data’ architecture.



​An 企业数据仓库(EDW) is a centralized database that is designed to store and manage large volumes of structured data from multiple sources within an organization. EDW通常用于支持数据分析, 报告, 商业情报活动, 并允许用户访问和分析数据从一个单一的, 全面的来源.​


  • 数据模型: The EDW uses a data model to define the structure and relationships between data elements, 并确保数据以一致和逻辑的方式存储.​
  • 数据集成: EDW包括用于提取的工具和过程, 转换, 并从多个来源加载数据到EDW. This can include data cleansing and transformation 流程 to ensure that data is consistent and of high quality.​
  • 数据存储: The EDW includes a database management system (DBMS) to store data in a structured, 组织的方式, 并支持快速查询和分析.​
  • 数据访问: 数据仓库包括用于访问和分析数据的工具和接口, 例如SQL查询, 报告工具, 商业智能软件.​

整体, 数据仓库是组织数据基础设施的关键组成部分, 在支持数据驱动的决策和分析方面起着至关重要的作用.​


LBMC Data 的见解 team brings a large alliance IoT ecosystem that enables us to complement our technical and sector expertise with insights and solutions. We provide end-to-end consulting services (from strategy to implementation to managed services) to unlock the insights for our clients from the huge amount of data generated by machines and devices in near real-time.​

  • 架构师 – End-to-end consulting service for the CIO/CTO defining optimal operations in the production environment, 涵盖物联网/OT运营的各个方面.​
  • 资产绩效管理 – Solution delivery using IoT/OT Data Integration and IoT/OT Advanced Modeling techniques to obtain real-time insight into production 流程.​
  • 生产过程绩效管理 设计和实施/支持解决方案(平台)的实施, applications) to allow data collection and structuration as well as analytics for industrial 流程.​
  • 新价值创造 -智能环境从构思到实施的端到端咨询, 产品, 连接平台, 分析模型和具有来自用户体验的宝贵见解的新服务.​
  • 互联用户体验 设计和实施/支持解决方案的实施(可穿戴设备), AR/VR platforms 和应用程序) to create new customer value by collecting data and insights from wearables, 接近, 用户的动作和行为.​


数据结构 is a term used to describe an architecture for managing and 集成 data across an enterprise. It provides a unified and flexible data management framework that enables organizations to manage their data as a single entity, 不管它存储在哪里或者如何使用. The main purpose of a data fabric is to simplify and streamline the process of accessing, 集成, 在组织内部使用数据, 同时维护数据治理和安全性.​


  • 数据集成: 数据结构使组织能够集成来自不同来源的数据, 比如数据库, 云服务, 和应用程序, 变成一个, 统一的视图. This helps organizations avoid data silos and enables them to make informed decisions based on a complete picture of their data.​
  • 数据治理: 数据结构为管理和控制数据提供了一个集中的框架, 哪些可以帮助组织确保数据的质量和准确性. This also helps organizations maintain compliance with regulations and data privacy laws.​
  • 改进决策:  A data fabric enables organizations to access and analyze data from multiple sources, 这有助于他们根据最新的信息做出明智的决定.​
  • 提高敏捷性: A data fabric enables organizations to quickly and easily integrate new data sources, which helps them respond to changing business requirements and stay ahead of the competition.​


LBMC的咨询服务团队由经验丰富的数据专业人员组成, 具有内部部署和云数据平台的经验, 数据可视化, 机器人过程自动化.


了解数据洞察力在组织内部产生的重大影响, 成为业内最优秀的公司之一,为公司内部提供价值.

在LBMC, we focus on building collaboration within our clients’ business and IT teams to facilitate the most effective use of data throughout their organization. 我们注重解决问题, 提供优质和卓越的服务, 使用敏捷方法确保明升体育app下载客户在每一步都获得价值. ​


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