Litigation Support & Forensic Services

律师依靠研究和沟通复杂技术和金融问题的能力. 明升体育app下载专家习惯于按照严格的证据处理程序和方法汇编和分析信息.

Our findings may require competent expert witness testimony. 您可以放心,LBMC咨询服务的专业人员在联邦法院和许多州法院都有专家证词的经验.

Forensic Accounting Services

涉及复杂的财务和经济问题的诉讼需要汇编和分析大量的会计, financial, 统计和经济资料,然后必须以清楚和令人信服的方式加以总结和提出. Attorneys rely upon LBMC to help them research, understand, summarize and communicate those complex issues. Presenting our conclusions through meaningful reports, 视觉辅助工具和有效的专家证词使我们能够正确地教育和建议律师, client and the trier of fact.

Our involvement in all stages of a case can include:

  • Aiding in the preparation of interrogatories and requests for production of documents
  • Researching and analyzing financial issues
  • Determining economic damages
  • Assisting with preparation for depositions and trial
  • Providing expert witness testimony

Our litigation support professionals are accustomed to rigorous cross-examination, 明升体育app下载经验让我们了解到,在准备庭审和出庭时,事实审查员对注册会计师的期望和需求. Areas in which we are called upon to provide forensic accounting services include:

  • Lost Profits resulting from:
    • Breach of Contract
    • Unfair Competition
    • Trademark and Tradedress Infringement
  • Fraud and Embezzlement
  • Business Valuations
  • Partner and Shareholder Disputes
  • Royalty Accounting

LBMC Business Valuation and Litigation Support

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Learn more about our LBMC Business Valuation and Litigation Support team.

Digital Forensic Analysis

今天的科技几乎融入了我们工作和个人生活的方方面面. With this reliance on modern technology, 调查数字设备是必要的,以避免遗漏有关活动和通信的关键细节,否则这些细节可能是未知的.

LBMC网络安全公司投资了“最好的”计算机取证软件平台和工具,以高效地保护和分析计算机, storage media, 以及各种类型的移动设备,以恢复可能不为人知的文物.



  • Developing detailed timelines of detailed computer activity
  • 识别和恢复传统电子邮件(网络邮件)以外的电子通信, text messaging, etc.)
  • Analyzing Internet activities
  • Determining and analyzing “cloud” storage usage (Google docs, Dropbox, etc.)
  • Investigating social media activities
  • Recovering and analyzing deleted information
  • Understanding application histories regarding execution
  • Recovering and analyzing videos and pictures
  • Detailing removable media usage (USB drives, printers, etc.)
  • Determining documents created, opened, printed, etc.

Sample applications of our digital forensics services involve:

  • Employee theft
  • Employment disputes
  • Commercial disputes
  • Fraud
  • Domestic matters
  • Insider threat activities
  • Internet Investigations
  • Patent/Copyright Infringement
  • Incident response related to data breaches

Litigation Support and Electronic Discovery

Due to our extensive experience in both digital forensics and electronic discovery, LBMC网络安全专家为律师事务所和企业法律团队提供全方位的诉讼支持服务. 明升体育app下载电子发现服务方法是基于公认的电子发现参考模型(ERDM)。. Our litigation support services can provide value at each stage of the EDRM lifecycle.

Information Governance (Readiness)

明升体育app下载诉讼支持专家将协助制定未来的准备评估 eDiscovery requests. 该评估将审查现有的电子存储信息(ESI)数据图, will provide data retention suggestions, and can design litigation response procedures.




我们将确保以具有成本效益和法医健全的方式收集相关的ESI. We will also maintain proper chain of custody to ensure admissibility to the courts. 我们将进一步确保ESI得到妥善保护,防止不适当的修改或破坏.


We use the proper tools and methods (e.g.,删除系统文件,关键字搜索,重复数据删除,指定时间框架等.) to reduce the volume of ESI and convert it, if necessary, to prepare for the legal review and presentation phases.


When necessary, we will provide the needed platforms for an effective review of the ESI for relevance, privilege, etc. We will also provide the required production formats. This technology will be provided via a cost-effective, cloud-based solution, along with the needed training.

Mobile Device Forensics

很少有电子发现事件或法医调查不涉及移动设备. LBMC leverages state of the art mobile forensics platforms, combined with extensive experience, to collect, process, and extract the contents of mobile devices. To assist our clients with predictable costs, LBMC对每个设备收取标准费用,以便从移动设备中提取所有可用信息. The information is then provided in a digital format to easily analyze, search, and report sought information in a forensically sound manner. The digital report can also be uploaded into modern eDiscovery review platforms.

Flash Forensic Investigations

不可预测的成本是一个常见的问题,它会阻碍计算机取证调查的价值. Leveraging certified and experts with testimony experience, LBMC提供固定费用的Flash法医调查,以确定计算机是否包含对情况有价值的活动. 这种尽职调查工作可以减轻对丢失有价值数字信息的担忧,并确定如何在需要进一步分析和报告的情况下适当地利用可用信息.

eDiscovery Program Development

For organizations not accustomed to responding to eDiscovery requests, the process is often overwhelming and stressful for counsel representing them. 与各种规模的组织合作数十年,准备和响应电子发现请求, LBMC有一个电子发现程序开发提供构建一个可防御的过程, based on the Electronic Discovery Reference model (EDRM), prepares organizations for eDiscovery requests. 项目开发包括从EDRM到数据映射到电子存储信息(ESI)生成的相关阶段.


Business Interruption Claims

From a weather disaster or global health crisis, many companies can experience business interruption. As a result, businesses may look to leverage business interruption insurance.

Under most business interruption insurance policies, 要提出索赔,企业必须经历实际损失或损害通常必须发生在被保险人的场所. Business interruption extensions such as contingent business income, ingress/egress, loss of attraction, 即使是民事当局的索赔也都要求在承保的危险中造成物质损失或损害.

Many property policies are subject to exclusions for pathogenic organisms, viruses, and disease- or illness-causing agents, so a careful review of the policy is prudent.


  • Quantify lost business revenue.
  • Partner with the insurance company to address the specific claim.
  • Provide litigation support and expert witness testimony.

Damages analyses based upon the following:

Lost profits
Lost profits

Disgorgement of defendant’s profits (unjust enrichment)
Disgorgement of defendant’s profits (unjust enrichment)

Lost or diminished business value
Lost or diminished business value

Reasonable royalty
Reasonable royalty

Executive Team

Link to Christopher M. Litigation Support & Forensic Services

Christopher M. Lovin

Shareholder, Practice Leader Valuation and Litigation Support Services

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phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Andrew Litigation Support & Forensic Services

Andrew Lowe

Knoxville Market Leader, Shareholder, Valuation and Litigation Support Services

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phone icon email icon Knoxville
Link to Bill Litigation Support & Forensic Services

Bill Dean

Shareholder, Cybersecurity

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